Acceptance Notes – no.6 in a series

There’s been a rather long, barren period for story acceptances. For fellow Duotrope users (the single most useful resource for writers on the internet): my acceptance ratio had, rather depressingly, dropped below that of the average of other users to have submitted to the same markets, so this email was particularly welcome. And in fact, not one but two acceptances in the same email, with ‘The Adventures of Captain Andrea Vasanius’ being released from ‘pending, shortlisted’ purgatory to the bright, sunny uplands of editorial tinkering.

Dear Edoardo,

Okay, after holding this one over for multiple re-readings, we’ve decided to accept it. Formal acceptance letter to come tomorrow.

As the “The Adventures of Captain Andrea Vasanius” — did I ever get around to sending you a formal acceptance letter or contract for that one? Whatever the “subject to some changes” part was, it’s slipped my mind, but I’m sure we can work it out in the editing cycle.


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