Rejection notes – no.29 in a series


Throwing this one open to comment. Now, last Friday I received this email (incriminating information removed):

Dear Edoardo Albert,
Thank you for submitting “The God Star” to […] for consideration. I really liked it, and have sent it along to the Editors-in-Chief for further consideration. You should be hearing from them soon, one way or the other.


Submissions Editor, […]

By this point in my career, I’ve had enough experience to know not to get too excited when receiving emails like this, but even so, I think the follow-up, a couple of days later, was pretty poor.

Hello, Edoardo.

Thank you for submitting “The God Star” to […]. Unfortunately it’s not what we’re looking for at this time. Best of luck.
Warm regards,



Sure, it’s their magazine, they can publish whatever they want, but I think, after the first email, a little more by way of explanation in the second would not have been out of place – even it was only to say that they’ve run similar stories or they’re moving the magazine in a different direction.

What do you think? Am I being over sensitive or is this just another example of the lack of regard in which writers are held?


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