Adventures in Bookland: Here Comes the Poo Bus! by Andy Stanton
In Here Comes the Poo Bus! narrative poetry – an undeservedly neglected form in the 20th century – reaches a new pitch of artistic tension and, final, blessed, relief. Have you ever reached that point, in the creative process, where the artistic load has grown to such a mass that it simply has to be dumped, immediately, no matter where you are and what you are doing? Even in the midst of the most important meeting or walking the high hills of Yosemite, unseen connections have been made in the dark, unplumbed places and then, suddenly, they all come together and have to be released.
Ever had that happen to you?
Or, if not, have you ever been overcome by the desperate, this-will-not-wait, desire to do a poo?
Then this is the book for you!
It contains what is, I think, the single finest verse ever committed to paper:
Here it comes! The poo bus!
Along the avenue.
It’s big! It’s brown! It drives through town!
It’s made out of poo!
I should mention that, before I read this extraordinary work, my favourite poetic couplet came from T.Rex’s seminal statement of artistic, cultural and political change, Children of the Revolution, and simply states:
I drive a Rolls Royce
‘Cos it’s good for my voice.
Mind, it’s worth bearing in mind, when choosing suitable reading matter for yourself and your children, that my own finest poetic achievement came in distilling the emotion (“Oh my goodness me, I cannot believe I am seeing this”) in the tranquility of recollection. So, to finish, here it is. If you like this, you’ll love Here Comes the Poo Bus!
Gorillas eat their poo?
I can’t believe they do.
Oh no! Oh yuck!
It’s true!