Lots of New Stuff

As it says, there really is lots of new stuff.

First off, and this is for your ears rather than your eyes, there’s a podcast of my story, From Here To The Northern Line, available to listen or download from Third Flatiron Publishing. It’s read by the brilliant and talented Harriet Whitbread, who has made me see the story in a whole new light by the life she brings to the characters. It’s available here.

If you’d like to read the story as well as listen to it, From Here To The Northern Line is in the Astronomical Odds anthology form Third Flatiron.

Then, in the Trust & Treachery anthology which features writers as well known as Beth Cato and James Daniel Ross, nestled in among the big names is Neighbour From Hell, a short story about a neighbour who is unusual in other ways apart from always wearing slippers.

Trust & Treachery
Trust & Treachery

These are both speculative fiction stories, but I sometimes strike out into literary fiction too, and the discerning Nancy Wagner at Page & Spine magazine has taken two of my stories for her showcase there: Disconnecting and Brothers.


So, it’s been a busy few weeks, and there should be a couple more short stories coming soon. Watch this space!