Thank you for the opportunity to read and consider your story “The Last Actor”. We would like to publish your story in an upcoming issue of Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine.
Acceptance Notes – no.6 in a series
Dear Edoardo,
I am pleased to inform you that your story “Time Hoppers” has been accepted for the Exploration issue of Penumbra. Our financial director, will be sending you a contract in a few days.
In the meantime, I need you to email me your bio, please.
I look forward to seeing you in print. Thank you for submitting such a fun story.
Nearly There
I’ve just finished going through the final batch of corrections for Northumbria: The Lost Kingdom. Emailed off this morning, Lindsey, our editor at The History Press, will input them on Monday and then off the file goes to the printers. It looks like we’re on track for the official publication date of 1st October 2012.
Professor Tolkien of Oxford out now!
My new ebook, Professor Tolkien of Oxford, is now available on Kindle from Amazon. I’ll have to go out and buy myself a Kindle now!

Me, me and, er, me
One look into the panic-stricken eyes of an author, pinned on the jacket of his latest book by a photographer, will reveal a simple truth: there is a reason he chose not to become an actor. Dear Reader, being married to a woman who used to be an actress and always, always, looks wonderful in photographs, I have come to appreciate that there is skill, art and knowledge involved in looking good on camera – I don’t think I would have paid Helena Christensen $10,000 to get out of bed, but a good model is certainly worth a reasonable fee.
We live in a visual age, however, and I am now being asked to provide photos – of me – for interviews and jacket covers. I decided, therefore, not to accept my usual photographic image as the human chipmunk and ask a good friend and fine photographer, Sarah Lim, to take some pictures of me that wouldn’t actually scare away readers. I think she has more than succeeded in that – the initial amazement (‘wow, I actually look pretty good’) has given way to unwonted and unwanted stirrings of vanity (‘maybe she could photoshop the spots’) – but now I have to decide which photo to use. In that, I ask your advice, dear reader. Which of these photos do you think is the best?
Timothy and the Animals
Timothy and the Animals is now available online, from the excellent On The Premises team. A taster:
Dear Mr. President/Prime Minister – please delete as applicable
(Timothy had seen this on a form once and thought it looked very official.)
I love animals, but we’ve only got cats and dogs round here, unless you count Megs and his gang. Please could you send me one of yours,
Your Friend,
PS. I promise to vote for you when I grow up.
PPS. And say nice things about you to the papers.